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Help and Advice

Spousal Maintenance payments

I have lost my job, do I still have to pay my Spousal Maintenance?

In these uncertain economic times, this is a highly relevant question to be answered.

In situations whereby a couple have separated and finalised their Matrimonial claims against each other by entering into an Order of the Court, there may be a provision that provides for one party to pay maintenance to the other on a monthly basis for a set period of time.

This may be in respect of child maintenance (for the upkeep of the children) or spousal maintenance (to support the spouse in meeting her outgoings) or in some circumstances, both. 

Pension Sharing on Divorce

What happens to my pension on divorce?

After the family home, a couple’s pensions often form the largest asset on a breakdown of a marriage or civil partnership. Pensions are tricky financial instruments and it is easy for people to become bewildered by the issue of sorting pensions. However, as one of the most significant assets it is vital that both parties have proper and appropriate resolution.

Separation and Child Maintenance

Can I ask my child’s other parent to pay towards the cost of school trips and extra-curricular clubs?

Children so often want to attend clubs such as brownies, football or art classes and go on school trips which require a financial contribution from parents, but how as parents should we discharge those costs?