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Separation and Divorce

New Year, New Start – What to consider when considering separation

For many, the New Year marks the beginning of a new chapter in life. For some this is a commitment to exercise more, eat healthier or learn a new hobby. For other however, this is the time when they finally make the difficult decision to separate.

Separated parents at christmas

Can the Court decide who the children should spend Christmas with?

For many, the period up to Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year and being able to plan is essential to preparing for a happy holiday. This year in particular, it has never felt more important to be able to enjoy time with loved ones. Unfortunately, for separated parents this can also be one of the most difficult times for co-operation. Stress and tensions can be high, which leads to disputes over when and where the children should spend their time over Christmas.

No Fault Divorce

Can I have a No-Fault-Divorce?

On the 26th of June 2020, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 received royal assent and became law.

The aim of this piece of legislation was to introduce the concept of “no fault” divorce into English Law. However, the current timetable for its implementation is estimated to be “Autumn 2021”.