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Virtual mediation


Virtual mediation for families

We have adapted our family mediation service to offer a virtual form of mediation that will help parties who wish to resolve family issues, to do so remotely, rather than needing to travel to a specific location.  There is still the option of meeting in person if that is preferable.

How can virtual mediation help?

For families with children, virtual mediation can be used to assist with specific issues such as helping to resolve conflicts relating to covid, for example disruption to schooling, self-isolation, shielding, vaccinations.  It can also provide a platform to discuss and help resolve longer-term discussions, such as the appropriate arrangements for the children or parental responsiblity.

We conduct mediation using a video conferencing tool. We start by having an initial meeting with each parent individually. At that meeting, we discuss the issues and understand each parent’s position. We explain a little about the mediation process.

We would then arrange a joint mediation session. Ahead of that mediation we would send out an agenda setting out the items to be discussed during that meeting.

Mediation would normally take two sessions and sometimes a third meeting is needed to conclude matters.

Divorce and finance

The virtual mediation sessions can also be used by parties wishing to separate or divorce.  It will provide opportunity to explore an agreement to find a way forward for both parties. Divorce proceedings can be issued and financial agreements prepared and filed at Court. This can all be agreed and actioned on a remote basis through mediation.

Watson Thomas Solicitors have offices in Fleet, WinchesterGuildfordBracknell, Camberley, Farnborough and Woking.

If you would like to discuss your current situation with an expert family lawyer, please call on 0330 311 9849.

FAQ'S On Virtual mediation

What is Family Mediation?

Mediation can be one of the most cost effective forms of negotiating any family law issue. We recommend that a mediator who has a legal background is instructed to ensure that they will assist you in reaching an agreement that would be approved by a Court and is compatible with any relevant legal principles.

Mediators are impartial and are unable to provide either of you with legal advice. Their role is to assist you in negotiating a particular point or series of issues in the hope that an agreement can be reached.

Mediation can be conducted virtually online, on a face to face basis whereby you both sit around a table with your mediator to discuss matters, or on a ‘shuttle’ basis which entails you both being in separate rooms and the mediator will shuttle between you to progress negotiations.

What is the role of a family mediator?

A family mediator is an impartial third party who helps married & unmarried couples, parents, grandparents, step-parents and young people to discuss their issues openly and make informed decisions on how they are going to resolve and/or manage these issues going forward.

Is an agreement made during a mediation session legally binding?

Agreements reached in mediation are not binding, they are without prejudice and therefore cannot be placed before the Court. If an agreement is reached then it should be formally recorded within solicitor’s correspondence or a Consent Order after the mediation process has concluded.

What is virtual family mediation?

Since the Covid Pandemic, we have adapted our mediation service to offer a virtual mediation service, whereby all parties join an online meeting via a video conferencing tool to discuss family issues remotely. We start the process by meeting each party individually to understand each person’s position and then we arrange a joint mediation session online.

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