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Financial Provision

Financial Remedy Orders Explained

Financial Remedy Orders Explained

Many people think that Divorce automatically resolves claims for matrimonial finances. In this video blog Rosanna Hounslow, the Deputy Head of the Family Department, will explain how this is not the case and how you can go about resolving your matrimonial finance claims.

Inheritance Tax Explained - by Alison Courtenay

Inheritance Tax Explained - by Alison Courtenay

Everyone is impacted by tax throughout their life. However not everyone is aware of the tax that can impact their estate and their loved ones upon their death. Our video blog explains more.

Spousal Maintenance payments

I have lost my job, do I still have to pay my Spousal Maintenance?

In these uncertain economic times, this is a highly relevant question to be answered.

In situations whereby a couple have separated and finalised their Matrimonial claims against each other by entering into an Order of the Court, there may be a provision that provides for one party to pay maintenance to the other on a monthly basis for a set period of time.

This may be in respect of child maintenance (for the upkeep of the children) or spousal maintenance (to support the spouse in meeting her outgoings) or in some circumstances, both.