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Help and Advice

Pre-Nuptial and Post-Nuptial Agreements

Pre-Nuptial & Post-Nuptial Agreements – Brian Fraser Explains

Many people think they know what a Pre-Nuptial or Post-Nuptial Agreement is, however often the media misrepresents exactly how these work, especially in the UK. In this video blog Brian Fraser, one of our Associate Solicitors, will explain all about Pre and Post Nuptial agreements.

Financial Remedy Orders Explained

Financial Remedy Orders Explained

Many people think that Divorce automatically resolves claims for matrimonial finances. In this video blog Rosanna Hounslow, the Deputy Head of the Family Department, will explain how this is not the case and how you can go about resolving your matrimonial finance claims.

How Watson Thomas Works

How Watson Thomas Works

Sometimes it can be intimidating to call solicitors and you might not know what to expect. In this video blog Kate McCarthy, one of our Legal Executives, will explain what areas of law Watson Thomas can assist you with, how Watson Thomas works and what to expect when you contact us.