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Help and Advice

Moving on from domestic violence

Official crime figures reveal that 30% of women are affected by domestic violence at some point in their life. In the past year, 7% of women and 4% of men have been victims of domestic violence.
Domestic abuse happens when one person hurts another in the same family, married or unmarried, with or without children, divorced or separated.

Matrimonial Home Rights – What are they?

For most people, the home that they share with their spouse, and possibly their children, will be their single most valuable asset. It is extremely common, for panic to set in when a marriage breaks down if the property is held solely in the name of your spouse. We appreciate that this can leave some parties feeling extremely vulnerable and frightened of what their rights are. Please rest assured, at the very least, you will have matrimonial home rights in the property, which mean that you are allowed to occupy the property without being disturbed. You may also be entitled to a share in the equity even though your name is not registered at the Land Registry.

What is the Divorce process?

If you have reached the decision that your marriage has broken down, the divorce process may seem to be a daunting process……

At Watson Thomas, we seek to provide absolute clarity from the outset so that you understand, the process, your position and what to expect.