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What happens with the finances on divorce?

The end of a relationship or marriage can be an extremely emotional and stressful time. It may be difficult for you to make decisions to ensure that you protect the future for you and your family. Sorting out money is, for most couples, the most daunting part of separation and divorce.

Grounds for Divorce - ‘Unreasonable Behaviour’

To file for divorce you need to prove there has been an irretrievable breakdown in your marriage and ‘unreasonable behaviour’ serves as one of the five grounds for divorce.
Unreasonable behaviour varies from person to person but examples of the types of unreasonable behaviour often cited within Divorce Proceedings are as follows:

What is Spousal Maintenance?

Part of the divorce process requires you both to come to an agreement on financial matters; how assets and debts will be divided, and what maintenance payments (if any) are required to be paid.
Spousal maintenance provides some financial security for the spouse who is unable to support themselves without additional support payments.