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Help and Advice

A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush

A new movement has travelled from the US to the UK recently called “bird’s nest” co-parenting.

One of the issues that many parents have when they decide to separate is where the children should live, and how much time they should spend with each parent.

Staying Positive During Your Divorce

Staying positive during your divorce can be challenge when such a wide range of emotions and feelings are often being experienced during this difficult time.

We all deal with situations in different ways, and whilst some may be able to cope and adapt to single life fairly well, others may be left feeling angry, resentful, confused, anxious, depressed and even fearful of what the future holds for them and their children without their spouse for support.

What to do if your partner leaves you with the children

When a relationship breaks down, and there are children involved, it is not uncommon for one party to be left with the children and unsure what to do next. Some parents may feel anxious that the other parent will reappear unannounced and “reclaim” the children, particularly if it is the Father who has been left to look after them. This fact sheet sets out some of the concerns a newly single parent may have, and what options are available.