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Help and Advice

What is an Undertaking

Undertakings are a common part of the Court process, and are defined as a legal promise to do, or not do, something. It is a promise to the Court, and if you break it there are ways that it can be enforced. If broken, you could be at risk of being fined, or put in prison for a short period of time, but these are the most extreme consequences.

Are you a Victim of Domestic Violence? Get Help Today

It is a sad fact that nearly 25% of women and 16% of men become victims of domestic violence at some point in their life and many of these people are unknown to authorities and suffer in silence.

Moving on from Domestic Violence

Official crime figures reveal that domestic abuse accounts for 16% of all violent crime.  25% of women and 16% of men are affected by domestic violence at some point in their life. Domestic abuse happens when one person hurts another in the same family, married or unmarried, with or without children, divorced or separated.

There are four main types of domestic violence – physical, sexual, emotional and financial. The abuse is delivered as a repeated pattern of behaviour which may get worse over a prolonged period of time. Being a victim, or witnessing any type of abuse can have long-term emotional and psychological effects, so it is important to seek support and advice if you feel you are at risk, or are a victim of domestic abuse .