Fleet 01252884759

Guildford 01483494056

Winchester 01962383136


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Help and Advice

My partner and I rent our home but we have broken up – who gets to stay?

When a couple separates and they rent a property jointly it is not easy to decide who should leave, especially when both want to be able to stay and for the other to leave.

What is Bitcoin Cryptocurrency and how could it affect my divorce?

The majority of clients come to see us with a relatively good understanding of the financial assets and debts within their marriage or cohabiting relationship, however, some clients feel on the ‘back foot’ financially having not taken an active role in the financial management of the relationship.

Can I take my children out of the country?

If both you and the other parent of your children have parental responsibility, and there are no orders or any restrictions in place, then neither of you can take the children abroad without the written consent of the other.