Fleet 01252884759

Guildford 01483494056

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Help and Advice

What is mediation and what can be discussed at mediation?

Mediation is one of the alternative forums which can be used to try and agree various matters outside of Court. Mediation is encouraged by the Court and indeed some family applications require Mediation to be considered prior to an application being made to Court.

What to do when a Court Order relating to your child changes

The Court accepts that even after an Order has been made in relation to arrangements for a child’s care, matters can change and that Order may not be what is best for the child for the entirety of their childhood. As children grow what perhaps was right for them at a younger age, will not necessarily suit them as they enter their teenage years for example.

Changing Your Childs Surname Following Divorce

I have a minor son from a previous marriage and I want to change his surname, what do I do?