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I have separated from my partner, can I change the locks?

This is a question which is frequently asked by clients. The answer is that it depends upon the circumstances.

Parental Responsibility When Separated From Your Partner

What can a separated parent do if they’re worried about their child coming to harm?

This article is designed to explain the options available to separated parents when they are concerned their children are at risk. Firstly, we will explore Parental Responsibility, and what this means for you. Secondly, we will look at the different ways you can raise your concerns with your separated partner. Thirdly, and finally, we will look at the different type of Court applications you can bring. If you are genuinely concerned that your child is at risk of harm by way of domestic violence or neglect, then you may decide that communication is not an option and involvement of the Local Authority is necessary.

How to Move On from Separation to the Finality of Divorce

If you are separated and have been for some time, you will likely be thinking more and more about how to move on from your current separated status to the finality of divorce.