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How to Move On from Separation to the Finality of Divorce

If you are separated and have been for some time, you will likely be thinking more and more about how to move on from your current separated status to the finality of divorce.

 The reasons for your split tend to be a good indicator on how long your period of separation may run for before getting a divorce. Some couples remain separated for many years without moving on to divorce and this can often work well if communication is open and there are no issues with finances or children. In these circumstances you might only take this final step to dissolve your marriage if the other wants to marry someone else.

Others may feel they need closure on the relationship and wish to proceed with getting a divorce as soon as possible. It really does depend on your personal circumstances as to when it is the right time to divorce, divide money and assets and make formal arrangements for the children.

How to judge that the time is right to divorce

Everyone wants to avoid stressful conflict, and sadly divorce is rated as one of life’s most stressful, but it doesn’t need to be that way and there are many options available to separated couples to help minimise the stress at this difficult time, such as through Family Mediation, through a Collaborative Process or through Family Arbitration.

After a period of separation, negative emotions such as anger and resentment can subside enough to open up channels of communication to enable you to reach an amicable solution that is going to give the children what they need and provide you with the freedom to move on with your life on whatever path you choose to take.

To judge if now may be the right time to file for divorce, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you have a positive outlook on your future and the future for your children without your spouse?
  2. Have you found a new partner who you wish to commit to?
  3. Has your spouse found a new partner who they wish to commit to?
  4. Have you discussed getting divorced with your children and are they accepting of it?
  5. Do you have a support network around you who you can rely on if things get tough?
  6. Do you think a divorce will give you added financial and emotional security and stability?
  7. Are you able to devote some time to attend mediation/collaborative sessions to help avoid the need to go to Court?
  8. Are you ready to move on and start a new chapter in your life?

If you have answered Yes to most of these questions, then now could be the right time for you.

If you decide you do want to file for a divorce, and want to avoid going to Court then mediation, and the collaborative or arbitration process can help to achieve resolution relating to children and money out of Court.

Watson Thomas Solicitors provide a FREE initial consultation which presents an opportunity to talk through your options so you can decide what is best for you and your family.
If you would like to book a FREE consultation, please call us on 01252 622422 or visit www.watson-thomas.co.uk for further information on the range of family law services available.