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Child Law

Can I take my children out of the country?

If both you and the other parent of your children have parental responsibility, and there are no orders or any restrictions in place, then neither of you can take the children abroad without the written consent of the other.

A Brief Guide To Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is a topic that has been in the press regularly over the last few years. Often people believe that their child expressing any reluctance to attend at contact with them must be as a result of parental alienation. However, this is not often the case. Parental alienation is rare and highly damaging to children.

Do I still need to pay child maintenance if my children spend 50% of their time in my care?

Even if your children share their time equally between you and your ex-partner, you may still be liable to pay or receive child maintenance.

The Child Maintenance Service calculate the sum to be paid between parents by firstly considering who is the party to receive maintenance. Usually, the paying parent is the parent who does not have the day-to-day care of the children. If however, the parties equally share the care of their children, they will look at which parent is registered with the HMRC to receive Child Benefit. The parent not registered to receive this would be deemed as the paying parent.