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FAQ'S On Trusts

What is the role of an Executor of a Will?

The role of an Executor is to administer your Estate in accordance with your Will and ensure your wishes are adhered to. If there is no Will in place or no valid Executors of a Will, then the person who deals with your Estate is called a Personal Representative or Administrator.

What is a mirror Will?

A mirror Will is designed for couples who want to make almost identical wills. The terms of each will tend to ‘mirror’ each other. As you can only leave assets which you own as a gift in your Will, this may not be a suitable option if your assets are not the same as those of your partner. You must also keep in mind that there is nothing to stop your husband, wife or partner from changing their Will without your consent at a later date.

How to make a Will Checklist?

A Will checklist should include the full names and addresses of who you want to appoint as your Executors and Trustees, provide details of your funeral wishes, Guardians and Beneficiaries.