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Help and Advice

Child Maintenance Payments

My ex has moved in with a new partner, do I still need to pay maintenance?

Maintenance can be for the benefit of your children or for the benefit of your ex-spouse. Maintenance is also known as periodical payments.

Watson Thomas LexisNexis legal awards

Watson Thomas shortlisted in the 2022 LexisNexis Legal Awards

We are delighted and excited to have been shortlisted in the Business Continuity Award Category in the LexisNexis Legal Awards 2022. 

Divorce decree absolute

How to finalise your divorce when your Decree Nisi was pronounced more than 12 months ago

The Decree Absolute is the final decree which brings your marriage to an end and means you are divorced. Before you can have your Decree Absolute the Court must have pronounced your Decree Nisi.