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What is mediation and what can be discussed at mediation?

Mediation is one of the alternative forums which can be used to try and agree various matters outside of Court. Mediation is encouraged by the Court and indeed some family applications require Mediation to be considered prior to an application being made to Court.

Mediation: a better way to separate

Wondering where to start with sorting out matters after your separation? Mediation offers a safe and private forum for separating couples to discuss how to manage arrangements for their children and finances.

Family Dispute Resolution Week 2015


Resolution’s Family Dispute Resolution Week campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of putting children first during divorce and separation.

According to a National poll conducted by Resolution among 500 children this year, around eight out of ten children and young people with experience of parental separation or divorce would prefer their parents to split up if they are unhappy, rather than stay together.