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Separation Divorce Consultation

I want to leave my spouse, but all the money is in their name – What can I do?

Coming to the decision that your marriage is at an end is never easy, but it can be even more concerning if your spouse is the financially stronger party. Worries about being “cut-off” or forced out of the house can lead many to feel they are trapped. There are steps you can take to protect yourself in these circumstances, but it is important to take early advice to ensure you understand the position.

Separation and Divorce

New Year, New Start – What to consider when considering separation

For many, the New Year marks the beginning of a new chapter in life. For some this is a commitment to exercise more, eat healthier or learn a new hobby. For other however, this is the time when they finally make the difficult decision to separate.

My partner and I rent our home but we have broken up – who gets to stay?

When a couple separates and they rent a property jointly it is not easy to decide who should leave, especially when both want to be able to stay and for the other to leave.