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Divorce & Relationship Breakdown

Differences between divorce and separation

What is the difference between a Separation Agreement and a Financial Order?

To answer this question, it is important to understand the difference between a separation and a divorce.

Divorce is only available for married couples and is the only way to formally end a marriage. Separation is an option for married couples that choose separate without divorcing and is also available to couples that are not married but that decide that they no longer wish to be together. A separation does not end a marriage and therefore does not end the financial claims that each spouse may have regarding the other’s finances.

Pensions and divorce

Pensions on divorce – do I need a report?

Pensions are a common issue that can come up when trying to resolve matrimonial finances on divorce. Often people want to split their pensions equally or they want to offset one spouse’s claim on the other’s pension by giving them a higher share of a different matrimonial asset such as savings or equity in a property.

Form E Divorce Financial Disclosure

How to complete a Form E for financial disclosure

What is a Form E?

When a marriage breaks down and the financial settlement is being discussed, it is advisable for the parties to exchange full and frank financial disclosure before preparing offers and deciding on the best way to divide the matrimonial assets. This is because it is helpful for both parties to have a clear understanding of each other’s finances when considering what is fair and it allows them both to obtain legal advice in respect of the finances.