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Divorce & Relationship Breakdown

Our Top FAQs - A Useful Reference if Considering a Divorce

We have set out below some of the questions which are frequently asked when someone is considering or facing divorce or other breakdown of a relationship. We hope that these answers provide a useful starting point for you and help point you in the right direction for further assistance.

None of the answers amount to legal advice in any particular circumstances and you must, of course, seek your own legal advice on your own situation.

If there is any question that you would like to have seen answered on this page, please email me, Richard Owen-Thomas on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will add it on the next update.

How much does a divorce cost if both parties agree?

One of the concerns that everyone has when they are thinking about getting a divorce is how much it is going to cost.

If the reason your marriage has broken down is because of financial strain to begin with, then it can feel like a daunting prospect to proceed with a divorce.

Does your Divorce need a Spring Clean before Retirement?

Divorce has been a part of our society for centuries, but over time the expectations and assumptions of divorcing parties has developed and changed. Spousal maintenance is no longer viewed as a guaranteed income for the primary carer of the couple’s children especially when retirement is looming, and the recent pension changes brought in last year may affect a spouse’s interest in their ex-partner’s existing pension.